Craig Kraft studio

Open Studio May 20
Take a tour and view a glass-bending demonstration this Saturday from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. All are welcome for this free event, which is part of the Flower Power festival in Anacostia. Click here for directions and here for more information on the festival.
“Neon for Change”
I have two projects under way for my nonprofit Neon for Change: neon Missing Person “flyers” based on real notices issued by the DC Police, which have been used by the families of missing children; and “HOPE” signs in a warm white neon color being sited throughout the city, including Anacostia. Please consider making a donation to help fund expansion of these topical community projects: click here to donate. Each person donating $25 or more will receive an 8x10 color print of the neon HOPE sited at the abandoned brick factory at the National Arboretum, signed by the artist.